ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS: Frustrated, stressed and desperate? Working harder and longer for continually dwindling profits? Then read on to discover…
How To Get People To Line Up
And BEG You To Take Their Money!
Discover my most effective secrets to…
- Break out of the accepted and restrictive “norm” of making money. (The one that’s keeping you from earning the massive amount of money you could and SHOULD be earning.)
- Grow your business EXPONENTIALLY… and prosper more than you can currently imagine… regardless of the economy…
- While others not privy to these secrets work harder and harder for less and less… with fear & anxiety as their constant companions… YOU will be getting EVERYTHING YOU WANT… without doing anything you don’t like or don’t want to do…
Dear Friend,
If you own or operate a business that has been a daily struggle to grow as quickly as you desire… then this message will be crucial to your future prosperity.
Because you’re about to discover how to LEAPFROG over the painfully long “marketing learning curve”… so you can start making BIG PROFITS. As fast as possible.
But first, let’s get something very important out in the open. Something that makes certain people uncomfortable.
This Is A Letter About MONEY!
Most importantly, it’s about making it differently.
Differently than you’ve been trained to make it.
And differently than every other entrepreneur around you.
Why is that so important?
Because how you make money not only determines how you run your business… it determines how you run your entire life.
Keep doing it the way you’ve always done it… the accepted “norm” you’ve been conditioned to believe is the only way… and your business and income will always be outside of your control.
In other words, if you follow all the traditional ways of building your online business, you’ll be…
A SLAVE To Money!
Your personal goals and desires, your family… heck, your entire life will always be relegated to the back burner as you’re forced to “eat what you kill” day in and day out.
For the rest of your life.
Or… you can pay attention to me for the next few minutes and discover how to become the MASTER of money. With my unique system designed to CREATE THE BUSINESS AND LIFESTYLE OF YOUR DREAMS.
After more than 30 years as a serial entrepreneur — the last 20 years specializing in direct response marketing, both online and offline — I’ve perfected a darn near “can’t fail” system.
One that can grow your business EXPONENTIALLY. And produce almost OVERNIGHT sales increases for nearly any type of business..
But first, let me ask you something.
Are You Working Harder And Longer…
With Less And Less To Show For It?
Do you feel stressed out the minute you plop down in front of your computer to work? And even more stressed when you call it a day?
Do you want more money and more free time… but you keep getting less and less of BOTH?
Now that the barrier to entry is so low for starting a business (thanks to the Internet) …and competition is everywhere…I’m willing to bet it’s tougher than ever for you to make a comfortable living.
And even harder to GROW your business.
Doesn’t all the stuff outside your control holding you back make you feel… well…
Never really knowing what to do about all your constant struggles and problems.
Never able to truly resolve anything.
Feeling confused and overwhelmed.
Listen, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs these days no longer know what to do to survive and thrive in this precarious “new economy.”
And even scarier… what to do about the impending socioeconomic and demographic shifts that will soon affect ALL businesses.
Heck, nowadays…
Most Entrepreneurs Don’t Know
What To Do About Anything!
So you just trudge onward, spending your hard-earned dollars trying to market and expand your business. Hoping and praying it will somehow work.
But it rarely does.
Or if it does work it never lives up to your expectations.
If all that’s not bad enough, there’s been a proliferation of businesses in almost EVERY market willing to cut prices to the bone. Always offering “loss leaders” — and even totally FREE products — to steal away as many of your customers as possible.
How In The World
Do You Compete Against THAT?
I meet so many business owners who naively believe if they’re really good at whatever they do… and the products they offer are top quality… and they keep putting out their “me-too” marketing messages… that should be enough to make them successful.
It may have worked in the past… but it sure ain’t working now.
In fact, that stuck-in-a-box thinking will put you on the fast track to bankruptcy court.
The biggest secret you’re missing is this:
Even the best business owner in the world, with the greatest products and services in the world, will struggle and suffer… and even go broke… without a proven, predictable and reliable system that brings you…
A Constant Flow Of New Customers!
Never in the history of business, advertising and marketing have we been in a more precarious position. We live in very uncertain and insecure times.
And the times they are-a-changin’.
On an almost DAILY basis.
So fast in fact, if you can’t keep up you’ll be left behind to wither and die.
While those who do keep up grow and prosper.
In spite of the lying sociopaths in their $4,000 suits reciting scripted and rehearsed “the recession is over” propaganda — mindlessly regurgitated from their teleprompter…
The Economy Is A Zombie
Not totally dead.
Not alive either.
As if that hasn’t made building your business hard enough, Big Brother keeps sticking his hand deeper and deeper into your pockets.
You, the producer… the entrepreneur… the person who makes this world go ’round. The least appreciated and most vilified person in this country… the Atlas who doesn’t dare shrug…
YOU Are The Target For The Socialists’
Ever-Increasing Confiscatory Taxes!
Yes, we are now at the precipice of an EXTREMELY uncertain future.
If you want to survive, you can no longer afford to screw around with fad-of-the-month online BSO’s (bright shiny objects).
Dabbling in this and that.
Throwing mud up against the wall, hoping something will stick. You might have been able to get by with that a few years ago. But not today in this economy.
It’s now more important than ever to build your business on a rock-solid foundation of…
Proven, Time Tested, Highly Effective
Marketing & Business Principles That WORK!
We’re coming down to the wire, my friend. There’s not much time left to transform your business into a systematized, predictable, reliable and extraordinarily profitable money machine.
A financial fortress that will keep you and your family safe from the coming economic changes.
And FINALLY allow you to enjoy the prosperity you desire. While most other business owners struggle day in and day out, living hand to mouth. With fear and anxiety weighing upon their exhausted shoulders.
If you wait much longer to finally seek out the proven tactics, strategies and secrets you so desperately need to get things growing FAST in your business… it’ll be too late.
You’ll be like the thousands of other business owners who coasted when they should have been putting the pedal to the metal.
And you’ll be stuck grinding it out, day after day…
Forever Entangled In The Rut Of “Eat What You Kill”… With No Hope Of EVER Escaping!
It’s time to face the truth:
If you knew how to break through this plateau that’s holding you back from the exponential business growth you so desperately desire, you would have done it by now.
If you’re like most positive thinking entrepreneurs, you’ve been too busy operating your business on hope. Hope that somehow, some way, something is going to change and turn everything around for you. Even though you’re stuck in a rut, doing the same things you’ve always done.
I admire your positive attitude. But be realistic. If what you’ve been doing isn’t getting you where you want to go…
Doing More Of The Same… Yet Expecting
Different Results… Is Just Plain DELUSIONAL!
Oh sure, I understand why you’re stuck. You’re probably suffering from a combination of entrepreneurial A.D.D. Along with “online marketing” overwhelm and confusion.
There are so many ways to market your business online nowadays you don’t know what to do.
And even worse, the number of online marketing “experts” and gurus are LEGION. They’re all touting different dogma and new, shiny, sexy “push button” solutions.
All shouting at the top of their lungs vying for your attention and money. And all contradicting each other.
It’s No Wonder You’re Confused!
Who wouldn’t be?
But the question remains…
Amongst the gaggle of self anointed “marketing wizards”, who can you trust to help you build your business on a rock solid foundation…so you can multiply your income as quickly as possible?
If you follow the advice of most online marketing “ex-spurts” you’ll wind up building your business — and entire financial future — on constantly shifting sand.
Sadly, most online business owners today are slaves. They’re completely at the mercy of a tyrannical Big Brother who has the power to dictate and control your entire financial future.
Because of their ignorance and over-dependence on only one media, millions of hard-working online entrepreneurs are needlessly suffering. And very soon, most will be OUT of business, bankrupt and deeply in debt.
It’s past the point of ridiculous for ALL online marketers.
Google hiccups and thousands of small business owners scramble to try and figure out why their sales have plummeted. Many are, for all intents and purposes, forced out of business overnight. Literally.
Are you working harder and harder for a smaller and smaller piece of the pie?
There is a solution, you know?
Stop Being A Slave!
A slave to your business.
A slave to the search engines.
And MOST importantly… a slave to ANY one media source.
Would you build your multimillion-dollar dream home on a foundation of quick sand?
Of course not!
So why are you doing it with your business?
That’s why you need to be very careful whom you rely on for business building advice.
Beware both the “whiz kid du jour” promoting the latest and greatest online marketing “magic bullet.” And the veteran grey beard consultant, teaching marketing techniques from his distant memory that worked back in the Wild West days of the Internet.
Both of those guys will lead you down a one-way street to financial ruin.
But even in the midst of all this chaos and the dramatic shifts in today’s business environment, there is HUGE opportunity. If you know the secrets to creating systems that bring in cash flow surges and floods of new customers as easily as turning on a faucet.
When you finally understand that, you can get…
Wealthier Than You Ever Dreamed!
Nowadays, even the corner store owner, if he understands how to take advantage of the changes and opportunity all around us, can transform his little business into a worldwide empire… making him financially independent for life.
I’ve done it… and I’ve helped others do it, too.
The master key to making it happen in your life is getting access to someone who has already successfully navigated the “marketing minefield.”
A mentor who has spent decades in the trenches. And is willing to take you by the hand and guide you past the endless number of mines you would step on crossing the minefield without an experienced guide.
Having said all that, now seems like a perfect time to introduce myself.
I’m Doberman Dan.
I’ve been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years. And a direct response marketer and A-list copywriter for more than two decades.
I’ve started businesses and written copy in a whole slew of different markets. Just a few of the publications my work has appeared in are…

- Entrepreneur…
- Car & Driver…
- Investors Business Daily…
- Penthouse…
- Popular Mechanics…
- MuscleMag International…
- Popular Science…
- Flex…
- Success…
- Muscle & Fitness…
- Men’s Edge…
- IronMan…
- Black Belt Magazine…
- Muscular Development…
- Reps!
- Exercise For Men Only…
- Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness…
- Martial Arts Professional Magazine…
- Small Business Opportunities…
- Home Business Magazine…
- The National Enquirer…
- Weekly World News…
- And hundreds of mainstream newspapers.
As a serial direct response online entrepreneur, I’ve started a plethora of businesses on my kitchen table. With nothing but a yellow legal pad, blue pen and the gray matter in my cranium.
Many of these “kitchen table businesses” have supported me with a lifestyle that would be envied by some of the most successful CEO’s in the country.
Several of my businesses were cranked out under great financial duress with nothing but spit, grit and duct tape. I was broke, my back was against the wall, the wolf was at the door and I decided to run my idea “up the flag pole” to see how many people would salute it with their wallets. Several of these “ready-fire-aim” businesses have gone on to make millions.
I’ve sold a couple of my info businesses for big paydays. I’ve also sold three nutritional supplement businesses I started from my kitchen table, enjoying a few bouts of “mini retirements.”
But believe me… I didn’t have any advantages getting started as an entrepreneur. I’m an average guy who barely made it out of high school.
I picked the wrong parents so there was no million-dollar trust fund or rich uncle to help launch my entrepreneurial pursuits. In fact, to describe my upbringing as “lower middle class” is being generous.
My first 10 years as an entrepreneur…
I Had To “Bootstrap” Every Single Company I Started…
And it was not easy.
Every single business was started on a shoestring budget. And for the first few years, things were extremely lean.
I was so broke I went out on a limb and financed all my start-up costs on multiple credit cards. I worked around the clock, often missing meals so I could invest my grocery money into testing marketing ideas.
And… like so many other entrepreneurs, I hit my share of roadblocks.
(Actually “roadblocks” doesn’t even come close to describing the disasters, disappointments and depression I endured.)
In fact, during the first nine long years of my serial entrepreneurial journey… every single one of my businesses crashed and burned…leaving me defeated, dejected and in debt. I felt like the biggest loser in the world.
That was until I discovered some little known secrets of the “old skool” mail order masters. I studied that classic marketing material like a 14-year-old boy studies Playboy.
I then adapted and applied these secrets to one of my struggling and “on life support” online businesses at the time and…
It Grew My Revenues 1,407%
In Only 5 Months!
It was an amazing time.
“Life changing” would be the understatement of the decade.
I was broke, in debt… and for a brief time I was actually homeless and living in my car with my Doberman for a time.
I often had to miss meals so I’d have the money to run test ads and buy dog food.
A mere five months later…
I Was Making 6-Figures… a MONTH!
Since then I’ve been on a mission. A mission to share with my brother and sister entrepreneurs these successful tactics, strategies and secrets for building an online business FAST.
Growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are great things to do. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business.
Sure, you may make an above average income but you have no life. Your business is an all-consuming mistress. And you’re not the only one who pays the price. It takes its toll on your family, too.
What I have to share with you is a unique way of building your business that gives you both time and lifestyle freedom.
You may love what you do. I hope you do. But the moments that create lasting memories, memorable experiences…the time that really matters to your spouse, family and friends…doesn’t happen while you’re slaving away with your face glued to a computer monitor.
Your business is supposed to be a tool that provides you with the income you need to do the things you really want to do.
The things that really matter.
Somehow along the way that idea gets twisted for many entrepreneurs. They lose sight of their original vision of financial freedom and allow their business to take over and become the alpha and omega of their lives.
Don’t you want to free yourself
from that hamster wheel of insanity…
Don’t you want to get back to the vision you had when you first started your business?
Don’t you want the freedom you’d originally imagined for yourself?
The ability to do what you want, when you want and with whom you want?
The financial freedom, and more importantly, the TIME FREEDOM to do the things with your family, friends, loved ones that really matter?
I lost several million dollars and endured heartbreak I never could have previously imagined while on my journey to figure out a system for engineering a business that can give you that level of freedom.
So now, YOU don’t have to.
That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing my unique business building system with you.
Here are some frightening facts:
The average adult male life expectancy is 72. Let’s assume you’re 53 years old. That means you only have 19 years left on this planet.
The two things that will take up a majority of those remaining 19 years are work and sleep.
How much of your remaining time on this earth do you want to give to your present way of working and making a living?
How much longer do you want to continue telling your spouse, children, loved ones and friends, “I’m sorry. I just can’t be away from work that long”?
How many more times do you want to see the heart wrenching look of disappointment in their eyes?
And the most important question…
How much longer do you want to keep delaying the things you REALLY want to do?
When is “some day” going to be YOUR day?
Don’t you want to create a business that will free you from the drudgery that’s consuming most of your remaining time on this planet? So you can finally enjoy a lifestyle without financial worries?
Instead of grinding it out, month after month, year after year… having absolutely ZERO certainty in your business, income and financial future…
I want you to consider a different future…
Imagine you can predict with 99% certainty your new customer flow every month, conversion rate, gross sales, net profits… for many months in advance.
Imagine how you’ll FEEL with such a predictable and steady inpouring of new customers.
Imagine how much happier, positive and at peace you, your staff, your spouse and family will feel in this safe and secure environment.
Imagine how easy it will be to say YES to family vacations, home improvements, a second home, college tuition for your children…
Imagine telling your parents, “Mom, Dad… I’ve got everything covered. It’s time for you guys to retire and enjoy the life you deserve. Here are two tickets for that trip to Europe you’ve been dreaming about for 40 years. I love you.”
Imagine the pride you’ll feel when all the dream stealers and negative Nellies who said you’d never make it, see you cruising by in your new six-figure luxury car.
When you can clearly see and accurately forecast your new customer flow, sales funnel conversions and profits…imagine how it will feel having the ability to invest more confidently in your future.
If you want that level of success — and you recognize the value of an experienced, battle-tested mentor guiding you..
…helping you to “leapfrog” over the typical decades-long struggle and learning curve…
…and showing how to “shortcut” your way to a systematized 7-figure (and beyond) business… then…
I Invite You To Become A Knight
In The Marketing Camelot!
What’s the Marketing Camelot?
It’s a unique way for me to share my most valuable business building, profit producing lessons and secrets for growing your business as quickly as possible. And earning as much money as you desire, without becoming a slave to your business.
I call it the Marketing Camelot because, just like King Arthur sent petitions far and wide looking for the most valiant knights in all of Europe, I’m also putting out the call seeking brave warriors from all over the world.
- The value creators who roll up their sleeves and do whatever it takes to make things happen…
- The brave people who create their own destiny…
- The odd man (or woman) out…
- The lone polar bear in a forest of grizzlies…
- The Custer surrounded by Indians…
- The street smart “let’s create something from nothing and change the world” doer…
- The strong-as-an-ox value producer, standing up to a daily onslaught of ruthless criticism…
- The eager-to-be-rich, in spite of the world conspiring against them…
- The Atlas who dare not shrug…
- The most disrespected, defamed, denigrated, denounced and disparaged person on earth…
The Entrepreneur!
I’ve created a place where you’re welcome, understood, respected and appreciated.
When you join me and become a Knight in the Marketing Camelot, we’re in this foxhole together. I’ve got your back. And if the two of us back-to-back against the world isn’t enough… we’ve got an entire frickin’ ARMY of brother and sister knights behind us.
That’s the “30,000 feet from above” view. Here’s a more micro view of everything you get as a knight in the Marketing Camelot…
Knight Benefit #1
The first benefit you get is my paper-and-ink newsletter, The Doberman Dan Letter… the official monthly publication of the Marketing Camelot.
Every month, sent via first-class mail to your doorstep, this publication pulls back the curtain and gives you an in depth look into the life of a master marketer and entrepreneur.

Each issue is like having moneymaking opportunities knock on your door. All you have to do is answer.
Every month I pour my heart and soul into my newsletter, sharing EVERYTHING I’ve discovered about success in business and life in my almost 40 years as a serial entrepreneur.
And that includes all the embarrassing stuff I’d rather NOT share. And have never revealed before.
You’re going to get a very personal look into my daily life. An almost real-time education about what’s working right NOW in direct response/online marketing. So you can make maximum money FAST.
Each month I let you look over my shoulder as I implement these secrets in my own businesses and clients’ businesses.
You’ll Get To See The Behind-The-Scenes
Base hits, grand slam home runs and the disappointing and humiliating strikeouts. I’m going to reveal it ALL to you. Practically right as it’s happening.
I don’t think you’re ever going to get a more honest and open book look into a master marketer’s thought processes and actions.
If you own a successful business you’d like to grow to its maximum moneymaking potential…
Just One Idea From One Issue
Can Make You MILLIONS!
Here’s just a small sample of some of the things you’ll discover in The Doberman Dan Letter…
- 3 very simple-to-implement techniques that can very easily boost your sales by 200%… and your net by 400%.
- Most businesses have at least three large “holes” hemorrhaging money like a stuck pig. Here’s how to locate the “holes”, quickly plug them and put more money in your pocket.
- Want to beat your current control? Do THESE three little tweaks to pump up response and watch sales and profits roll in like never before. (It takes all of 10 minutes!)
- What I did to take a little “kitchen table” business from a $2,000/month side venture… to a $90,000/month cash cow. (And I only invested a few hours of my time each week to do it.)
- You’re going broke FAST… and you don’t even know it. (Even if you have MILLIONS in the bank.) Here’s what you must do right now to preserve your wealth…before it’s too late.
- How to get orders from people who have already decided NOT to order…
- How to get full-page ads in high-circulation magazines… for FREE! (A grand total of ZERO Internet marketers know how to do this.)
But let me warn you:
I don’t pull any punches. And nobody has ever accused me of being politically correct. I simply don’t have time for chaff. These letters are all wheat. They contain the most intense personal stuff and the most effective hard won marketing lessons I’ve ever revealed.
There’s simply no doubt about it. This is THE newsletter for people who want to learn the real secrets of high return-on-investment/high profit marketing.
Every month I’ll give you unique insider info and moneymaking strategies you’ll never read in any other publication.
Things like…
- An ARSENAL of “old skool” salesman’s tricks most copywriters don’t even know exist…
- How to write sales copy that completely and fully acknowledges and articulates the pain your customer feels. (This is a CRAZY EFFECTIVE secret for creating an exponential upsurge in conversions that not one in 100,000 copywriters understand.)
- How to create “instant credibility” that practically FORCES people to believe your claims…
- Do this and you very well could DOUBLE your sales in 59 days or less. (But you better be ready…because this is one secret that will make new customers FLOOD into your business.)
- An unusual technique to discover what your customers REALLY want. (If you don’t know the answer to this question, you’re allowing an enormous amount of money — that should be yours — to flow into your competitors’ pockets.)
- A little known recession-based strategy to acquire valuable marketing assets for pennies on the dollar.
- How to write your copy so it “talks the talk” your most skeptical prospects need to hear before they buy.
That’s a sneak peek at just a HANDFUL of the many exciting lessons I’m going to dole out to you every month in The Doberman Dan Letter.
But there’s more.
A lot more.
Secrets like…
- How to protect your financial future NOW for pennies… instead of paying thousands (or MILLIONS) down the road.
- Secrets about my personal lifestyle that are absolutely CRUCIAL if you want to accumulate, and more importantly, KEEP your wealth. (Not even ½ of 1% of successful entrepreneurs understand this.)
- What drug dealers, the mafia and other assorted “criminal scum” can teach you about making, keeping and multiplying your money. (Trust me, in just another few years, people who don’t know this are going to lose a significant portion of their wealth.)
- A lot of entrepreneurs I know have made/are making MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars. Yet they’re always broke, living month to month. If you don’t understand this secret, YOU will suffer the same fate.
- Got a successful online promotion? Here’s how to put it in front of MILLIONS of qualified prospects and buyers who would normally NEVER see it.
- Want a quick and easy secret for an extra 5% to 10% “mental edge” when writing copy or brainstorming ideas? Consume this 45 to 60 minutes before you sit down to write. (It’s a BIG secret of the A-list copywriters… but nobody ever reveals it outside of their “inner sanctum.”)
- The most important “master key” to making serious money. (It’s NOT what all the “experts” in the think-and-grow-rich crowd have told you.)
That’s just a sneak peek behind the curtain at some of the secrets I’m going to reveal. I could literally go on for days about all the insider secrets, tricks, techniques and crucial business lessons for staying sane in an insane world you’ll soon discover.
You’re going to get the hardest of hard-core (and most expensive) lessons I’ve learned from the direct marketing school of hard knocks.
To be brutally frank with you, some of the really deep stuff may take you so far down the rabbit hole…
You Might Be Downright
Frankly, I don’t care. The Marketing Camelot is for players ONLY. Or people smart enough (and gutsy enough) who want to become players.
This is big boy/girl information. No wimps, whiners or wanna-bees allowed.
My poverty mindset upbringing didn’t give me any advantages on my journey to becoming a financially independent entrepreneur. But my 12 years as an inner city street cop did give me an advantage. I got a real world, down and dirty, street-level education in human psychology… and the ability to read people like a book.
THAT is an…
Unfair Advantage
For Any Marketer!
And I’m going to pass those street savvy persuasion secrets on to you every single month. Secrets that have saved my life… literally.
Listen, I don’t take my responsibility to you lightly. To create The Doberman Dan Letter month after month, I cut open a vein and BLEED for you.
THAT is my commitment to you.
It’s me talking one-on-one with you as your mentor, your friend… someone who wants your success and happiness as much as you do. (Maybe even MORE than you do.)
Every issue is like we’re sitting on the lanai by my pool, watching the sunset, enjoying a beer or two… while I share my most profitable (and hard-earned) lessons with you.
Each monthly issue is jam packed with hands-on, practical and immediately actionable ways to make big money from the new trends constantly developing all around us.
Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat things and paint a picture of being an entrepreneur as life on Easy Street. Anybody telling you that is flat out lying. Some of my entrepreneurial experiences will show you it can get scary at times.
If it does scare you away, consider it a favor. The entrepreneurial game is no place for wimps, whiners, the easily scared and timid.
If it doesn’t scare you off, it’s going to help you avoid a lot of the pitfalls and mistakes most entrepreneurs have to learn the hard way. And it’ll help you anticipate and successfully deal with the pitfalls and mistakes that simply can’t be avoided.
The Doberman Dan Letter isn’t some beginner’s how-to-start-an-online-business guide. It’s a…
No-Holds-Barred “Go For The Jugular”
Business Success Guide!
I’m still in the game, battling all the daily challenges of running multiple direct response/online businesses. And constantly finding new and better ways to get more customers and produce maximum profits in minimum time.
The Doberman Dan Letter is based on my own expensive experience…learned the hard way. You may not always agree with it… but you can be sure I didn’t swipe it out of some book, polish it up and pass it off as some B.S. miracle solution for all your business problems. These are real-time moneymaking lessons pulled from what’s working right now in my own businesses and those of clients.
You’ll usually get a small dose of my personal success philosophy in each issue… but I realize you can’t make your mortgage payment or buy groceries with philosophy. My job is to show you how to make more money than you ever imagined possible. Faster than you ever thought possible.
Bottom line:
The Doberman Dan Letter Is About
Making A LOT Of Money… FAST!
As much as your greedy little heart desires… as quickly as possible. And doing it in a way so you can engineer any kind of lifestyle you desire.
I’m not a slick, fancy talking, Armani suit-wearing businessman. I’m a down in the dirt, shirt-sleeves-rolled-up “whatever it takes” marketing guy. A guy who knows what it means to have to make his copy work RIGHT NOW… or the rent won’t get paid and there won’t be enough in the checking account to put food on the table.
The Doberman Dan Letter cuts through all the hype and B.S. that’s often spouted as “expert” marketing advice… and reveals only…
The Very Best Moneymaking Gems!
I leave chasing fads and following the herd to the false prophet marketing gurus and their blind and deluded disciples. While those poor suckers are off chasing fantasies (and losing lots of time and money) my knights are getting unheard of results.
Results like 511% to 2,107% ROI on their marketing investments…each and every month.
In addition, they’re mining massive mounds of “hidden gold” month after month. Profits that had been laying dormant and hidden in their businesses.
And, If You’re Open-Minded And Motivated…
I’m Willing To Teach You, Too!
Everything I just described is only a tiny glimpse of what I bring to the table each and every month in The Doberman Dan Letter.
And it’s only one benefit you get as a Knight of the Round Table in the Marketing Camelot.
You also get…
Knight Benefit #2
I want you to have every possible advantage to reach your goals as quickly as possible. That’s why, as a knight in the Marketing Camelot, you’ll also get a…
Knights Of The Round Table
Monthly Webinar
I’ll share on a different topic each month, occasionally inviting a guest expert.
Just a few of the things I’ve shared (or soon will share) on our Knights Of The Round Table webinars are…
- Proven ideas to boost your conversions…
- Seven secrets for quickly writing million-dollar ads and sales letters, both online and offline… even if the only thing you’ve ever written is a grocery list. (No experience required. Simply “fill in the blanks” and you can create million-dollar sales copy.)
- How to make yourself a celebrity in your market…
- How I regularly double, triple and even quadruple retention in continuity programs…
- How to defeat self-sabotaging behavior by reprogramming the neural pathways causing your destructive behavior…
- My 10/10 system. The 10 big breakthroughs to multiply your income by at least 10 times… while creating more autonomy, independence, and security than ever before.
- 3 secret ways to “punch up” your current offers so you get the highest possible conversions.
But that’s not all. When you choose knighthood in the Marketing Camelot you also get…
Knight Benefit #3
Another benefit of knighthood is our Marketing Camelot Knights-Only website.
This is a special place where knights go to discover the best ways to conquer all the dragons you’re currently facing (or will soon face) in your entrepreneurial battles.
The Marketing Camelot membership site currently has more than…
- 55 training videos…
- 61 informational audios…
- 35 Q&A’s…
- 17 special reports…
- And MUCH more…
If you’re unable to attend our monthly Knight Of The Round Table webinars, they’re recorded and the replays posted in the membership site.
And I’m constantly posting new training videos, audios, special reports, templates and tools.
Heck, just one lesson gleaned from the hundreds of available lessons could be your “X factor” this year… doubling, tripling, QUADRUPLING your sales and profits.
Knight Benefit #4
There’s nothing more important you could possibly master than persuasion skills.
More specifically, persuasion in print.
(By “in print” I mean in any media — online and offline. Any medium that puts words somewhere… that people read, listen to or watch.)
Everything good happening in my business and personal life today (and it’s never been better) is a direct result of my ability to persuade in print.
I want the same (or better) for you. That’s why I frequently give you access to…
Proven, High Converting Sales Copy
For Your Swipe File!
This isn’t just any sales copy. I’m only going to share copy that is currently a control, a control beater or has been a very strong control in the past.
And since I know darn near everybody in this business — from the little minnows all the way up to BILLION dollar whales — I have access to secrets about copywriting you’d never discover without me.
In addition to giving you successful sales copy to study and save in your swipe file, you also get my video analysis of each piece. I’ll break down the format, elements and explain all the reasons why the writer included what he or she wrote. And any crazy ideas I might have to improve it.
It’s an ongoing value-packed lesson in persuasive writing every single month. If you’ll simply follow along and do what I tell you…
This One Bonus Alone
Could Make You A Fortune!
No exaggeration. No hype. It’s that powerful.
I estimate (a conservative estimate, by the way) I invest at least three hours of my time to prepare for and produce this for you.
Based on my hourly rate of $2,000/hour, this bonus is worth a minimum of $6,000.00.
Knight Benefit #5 – A $5,000 Value!
As online marketers, we’re inundated with offers for vendors, apps, services, programs, Email providers, shopping carts, tracking software, split testing programs, website & funnel creation software, ad nauseum.
How can you tell if any of this stuff is any good and lives up to its often over-hyped claims.
You can’t.
I know I’ve been disappointed a lot.
I’m sick of seeing good people burned time after time by all the shady vendors, service providers and programs we’re constantly pitched.
That’s why as a knight in the Marketing Camelot you’ll get access to my “million dollar rolodex.” In other words, all the vendors and service providers I’ve personally vetted and approved.
Even better… in some cases I’ve negotiated very substantial discounts for you. These discounts aren’t available to ANYBODY outside of the Marketing Camelot.
Who Exactly Is The Marketing Camelot For?
First let me tell you who it’s NOT for.
The more years I spend on this earth, the more I find myself aggravated and drained by middle-of-the-road, can’t-make-up-their-minds, afraid-to-take-a-risk losers who are paralyzed with fear. And never even attempt to live their lives with any semblance of gusto.
I understand this mindset. Heck, I was surrounded by it most of my life. But I can no longer tolerate being anywhere near it. It pisses me off and sucks the life out of me.
Secondly, if you don’t have the guts to get dirty rolling around in the dirt, fighting for your dream with all your heart and soul… this isn’t for you. I wish you no harm but I don’t want you anywhere near my beloved knights. I’m afraid they might catch what you’ve got.
And finally, if you believe some magical and mystical “money chant” is going to make you rich and save you from economic disaster… the Marketing Camelot is definitely NOT for you.
On the other hand…
I’m greatly exhilarated by action-oriented, “let’s-roll-up-our-sleeves-and-get-the-job-done” optimistic, positive thinking, forward-moving players.
The people who understand EVERYTHING in life is a gamble. And an ongoing experience best savored and shared with other like-minded players.
THESE Are The People I Want To Mentor, Encourage,
And Share My Best Marketing Secrets!
YOU are the reason I created the Marketing Camelot… a high-powered “winner magnet” that attracts warriors from all corners of the globe.
Let’s wrap this up and put a bow on it:
Right now I’m going to assume something about you. And this should confirm something you feel stirring deep within your heart and soul right this very minute.
I’m assuming since you’ve stuck with me this far, my message has resonated with you in a powerful way.
And you know in your heart of hearts that the person I’ve been describing as the ideal candidate for knighthood in the Marketing Camelot is…
If you’re ready to dramatically increase your income and join the ranks of the truly prosperous…
You aren’t afraid to do some work to guarantee you won’t be one of the sad souls sucker punched and side-lined by the coming economic changes…
…then the only logical decision is to accept my invitation and claim your rightful place as a knight in the Marketing Camelot.
Take me up on this offer of knighthood here and now and you will become a cherished member of the most elite group of people in the world. Namely…
My Cherished Knights Of The Round Table!
I’m going to treat you like my extended family… because that’s what you are.
If you take full advantage of your knight benefits…
- The Doberman Dan Letter…
- Monthly webinars…
- The vast and growing business-building, moneymaking content on the knights-only membership site…
- Monthly swipe piece with video analysis…
- And all the other unannounced bonuses and training I regularly gift my knights…
…the Marketing Camelot can be your master key to quantum leaps in income and plateau-busting “A-HA” moments.
At my current $2,000/hour consulting rate…with everything I deliver to you each and every month in the Marketing Camelot…you’re getting at least…
$60,000 Worth Of My Time!
If you’re truly serious about building a business that can make you financially free, this opportunity can be your own personal “passport to prosperity.”
Knighthood in the Marketing Camelot… and all the exclusive benefits that go with it… is only $199/month. And there’s no contract, no commitment. You can cancel at any time.
That works out to a ridiculously low investment of only…
$6.63 A Day!
Listen, compared to your potential return on investment, $6.63 a day is chump change.
There are “cult of personality” gurus out there with ZERO hands on experience charging 5 times, 6 times, even TEN times that for nothing more than baseless theory and “BSB” (bright shiny bullcrap). NONE of which have a snowball’s chance in Gehenna of ever making you any money.
Compared to that overpriced snake oil, the Marketing Camelot is the deal of the decade.
Look, if you think investing $6.63 a day to become financially independent isn’t within your budget… I’m not gonna mince words here…
You Have A Problem!
And in spite of what you might believe, it’s not a financial problem. It’s a mindset/attitude/screwed up priorities problem.
The good news is, a financial problem is something you can solve… and solve pretty darn fast… with just one of the many, many moneymaking strategies you’ll get in the Marketing Camelot.
The screwed up priorities/mindset problem we can solve right now.
If you don’t have the $199 to join the Marketing Camelot… do what I did when I was broke and in debt:
Sell your TV, cancel your cable and get rid of your time-sucking, attention span-robbing $100+/month smart phone. That stuff isn’t doing anything for your financial future.
In fact, the ONLY thing it’s doing is keeping you imprisoned in a poverty mindset. And that will keep you broke for the rest of your life.
If you’re TRULY serious about being successful, stop pissing away money on worthless consumer crap and invest it in yourself instead. That is an investment that will bring you EXPONENTIAL returns year after year. For the rest of your life.
Tough talk, huh?
Yup. But a real winner knows…
You Can Make Excuses Or You Can Make Money…
But You Can’t Do Both!
Stop making excuses and join me now in the Marketing Camelot.
Oh, one last thang… what about a guarantee?
Just like in life, every smart entrepreneur knows…
There Are NO Guarantees!
Why? Not because my strategies and tactics don’t work. They do… for the people who work them.
The reason there are no guarantees is because I have no idea if YOU will work. Or… if you’ll do like many people do and self-sabotage because of messed up mindset issues.
That’s why there are no refunds on subscriptions. However… you can cancel any time (for any reason).
And really, if a $199/month decision is a big deal for you, this is most definitely NOT the right place for you.
Truth be told, this exclusive membership is not for everyone.
And the vast majority of people who call themselves “Internet Marketers” don’t qualify.
Why? Because the dysfunctional “Internet Marketing” niche is overrun with people who don’t have a REAL business. They just delude themselves into thinking they’re an entrepreneur or marketer because they study this stuff… or buy courses… yet never actually DO anything.
The Marketing Camelot is for people who already have a business (even if it’s only working in a small way) and want to GROW that business.
Does that describe you? Great! You’re about to feel like you’ve finally found your long lost home.
Here’s what you need to do right now:
Click the yellow button below…
I’ll immediately reserve your knighthood in the Marketing Camelot and have the current issue of The Doberman Dan Letter — along with your new knight welcome package — rushed to your doorstep.
And no, you don’t have forever to make up your mind.
Unlike a lot of my contemporaries, I’m not going to pull any kind of phony scarcity tactics on you. I’ll just say this:
Almost forty years as an entrepreneur has taught me this:
More Money Has Been Lost Through Indecision
Than By Wrong Decision!
However… you don’t have to worry about making the wrong decision.
You have all the information you need to make the RIGHT decision.
The only intelligent decision…
Click here to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity and reserve your rightful seat with the Knights of the Round Table in the Marketing Camelot.
Congratulations! You’re making a great decision.
I look forward to seeing you soon at our Knights Of The Round Table webinars.

Doberman Dan
P.S. Look, you can deny it if you want, recite delusional “money chants” and hope for the best. But the economy has changed the way money is moving.
And I don’t think it’s EVER going back to how it was just a few years ago.
We’re at a precarious time when what works and what doesn’t work to make money online has changed dramatically.
Nowadays, you have to be totally in tune and up to date with the changes in buyer motivations and spending habits. If you don’t know how to strategically react to these constant market changes in your…
- Sales copy…
- Customer acquisition programs…
- Back end marketing…
- And customer retention programs…
… you’ll lose out on at least HALF of your potential sales and profits.
Maybe more.
Or worse, you may not even BE in business twelve months from now.
The choice is yours.
If you want to swing for the fences and experience the grand slam home run successes, you need the most cutting edge techniques, tactics, tricks, strategies and successful sales funnel secrets that are working RIGHT NOW.
A few years ago you probably could have coasted along without all this stuff and done OK.
Not anymore…
Your Very SURVIVAL Depends On It!
You need the Marketing Camelot to stay in the loop about these powerful marketing models and moneymaking strategies you won’t get anywhere else on the planet.
So what are you waiting for?
Grab this opportunity and accept my offer of knighthood TODAY!
I’ll immediately reserve your knighthood and have the current issue of The Doberman Dan Letter — and your new knight welcome package — rushed to your doorstep.
Click the yellow button below now…
Your current issue of The Doberman Dan Letter and new knight welcome package will be rushed to your doorstep.
Pax vobiscum.
Here’s What People Are Saying About Doberman Dan And The Marketing Camelot…
“He’s Got the Halbert Seal of Approval”

“I lived with Dan for 43 days when he had an apartment in Costa Rica. He’s a good professional copywriter and he learned some things in Costa Rica that hardly any other copywriter knows about. He’s got my seal of approval.”
Gary Halbert
Described as the one of the best (and highest paid) copywriters in the world. Gary wrote the enormously successful and famous “Coat of Arms” direct mail sales letter, mailed over 600 million times.
304th fastest growing company in America
“We put into place the things we learned from Dan’s mastermind and the result was adding “rocket fuel” to our growth rate. In fact, in 2013 our little company was named the 304th fastest growing company in America by Inc Magazine. Our business grew over 1,400% and we credit Dan and our mastermind partners for helping us break through to the next level of growth. Thanks Dan and company!”
Allen and Erin Baler
Reboot Marketing LLC
Dan Kennedy
“His newsletter is outstanding, he’s a very smart copywriter“
Speaking at his “Mailbox Millions” seminar
Michael Garbo – Entrepreneur
Brian Stachurski – Copywriter
Tim Chesonis – Copywriter & Marketing Strategist
Pete Arnott – Copywriter
Nate Rifkin – Copywriter & Author
Joshua Lee Henry – Copywriter & Entrepreneur
Mark Ingles – Entrepreneur & Marketer
Joe Brammer – Gym owner and supplement business
John Phillips – Direct Marketing Strategist & Consultant
“His writing is compelling, convincing, lively and always works!”

“Dan Gallapoo has been writing direct mail promotions for my company for over ten years. We keep using him to sell our books, fitness products and magazine subscriptions over and over because his writing is compelling, convincing and lively and always works!”
Robert Kennedy
Publisher of MuscleMag International, Oxygen, American Curves, Maximum Fitness, Reps and the uber-successful Eat Clean series of books featured on Oprah!
“The information that he dishes out is off the hook! Dan is awesome! I can’t wait to get his newsletter every month”
“I took my little publishing business from me and a kitchen table to a 7-figure per-year, 35-man operation… most of it with a HUGE nod of thanks to your JSTDT common sense.”
– Brian Keith Voiles
Mega-Successful “A-list” Copywriter with HUNDREDS of Record-Setting Multi-Million Dollar Controls and CEO of Manifest Opulence Publishing LLC
“I just want to say thanks a MILLION… literally!”
“Your newsletter and advice have helped me build my online auto parts business to over 5.5 million in annual sales. I believe any industry can take your easy and powerful strategies and apply them to grow their business. You are definitely an outside-the-box thinker. It’s a breath of fresh air to learn from someone out there applying the strategies they are teaching, and not someone who’s just a talking head out to take my money. I can tell you really care about your clients.”
Brian Hanson
Jacksonville, FL
Dan’s a great guy to brainstorm with
John Carlton
Legendary Copywriter & Marketing Strategist
Dan’s mastermind is by far the best event I’ve ever attended..
Francis Ablola
#1 “Go-To” Copywriter & Marketing Strategist Hired By The Biggest And Most Successful Real Estate Investor Gurus
TRIPLED our sales in only 12 months!
“We only had time to implement two of the unique programs Dan provided us to boost sales and profits. Even with the limited time we had to invest, within the past 12 months we’re just a tad shy of TRIPLING our sales.”
Steve Young and Mike Ledeboer
A.S. Research Supplements
“I have been a knight for a few months but I can say the information I receive in the monthly bulletin is priceless. Dan delivers so much value and emphasizes and illustrates a pathway to make your business a success–just sell the damn thing people.
– Dr. Richard Muccillo
“Dan has shown me how to overcome my mental barriers”
“I am writing this with the great gratitude I have for Dan and his unique perspective on business and life.
He has taught me so much about direct marketing and copywriting and in these areas he is a genius in my opinion.
But that is not what I am most grateful for.
Dan has shown me how to overcome the mental barriers caused by my past.
How to stop listening to the naysayers, step away from procrastination and act even though there is fear of failure.
Even though I haven’t had what I would call massive success I am well on the way there and I thank Dan for helping me get to that place.”
– Aaron Lyster
“My only regret is not jumping in soon enough!”
“I have found a clearer path with renewed inspiration to pursue my dream of entrepreneurship through the Marketing Camelot. My only regret is not jumping in soon enough.
There is a little bit of overwhelm with the vast resources available but little by little I’m going through the videos and absorbing the nuggets of wisdom you provide through the different quests in the Knights’ members’ area.
I truly appreciate the small treasures you provided newly minted knights which I proudly carry with me everywhere I go now as a constant reminder of my new mission in life. These small gifts cemented in my mind the wisdom you have been mentioning and repeating in the webinars, your book, and in the podcasts as you demonstrated how to do it in the real world when you sent these symbols of knighthood during my first months as a knight.
Thanks again for letting me be a part of the round table! It’s definitely the best thing I’ve ever done!”
Best regards,
Sir Joel of Bañez
$87,000/Year ‘Auto-Pilot’ Business Started In Only One Month!
“After all the thousands I’ve invested in various courses and materials, Dan’s advice has been the most valuable in helping me build a profitable health and fitness publishing company. His coaching allowed me to start a new business from my kitchen table with practically no capital… and create a part-time supplement business in only one month, currently on track to make $87,000 its first year… completely on auto-pilot!”
– Chris Stella
My Income Is Up THREE-Fold!
I’ve been along for the ride since issue #1 and enjoyed every minute of it. My income is up about three-fold over last year and that’s no small part due to the advice in the Doberman Dan Letter. Keep it up. People are listening.
– Rob Gramer
Copywriter for “heavy hitter” direct response marketing companies/direct mailers in the health and financial markets.
“His authenticity ‘oozes’ from his programs!”
“Sir Brett of Berry here… a relatively new “knight” in Dan’s Marketing Camelot. I have a few words for anyone considering purchasing one or more of Dan’s programs…
Spoiler alert: I am going to say some nice things about Doberman Dan, a.k.a. Dan Gallapoo. Full disclosure – I am not a relative. However, Dan has offered a “shameless bribe” of an hour of his valuable time – to “hold my hand” as a quid pro quo for an honest endorsement.
So… view my commentary with a healthy skepticism. It’s often the best way to challenge the value of what’s being presented. Validate for yourself. This is how I approached him and now I am “neck deep” in his world.
Number one – “Dan the Man”. My gut tells me Dan is a genuine guy. He is coming from a place of service. His authenticity “oozes” from his podcast, from his programs, from his copy. I also like his sense of humor. Mother always said I was twisted.
Dan is not one of those “guru du jour’s” that you see all over social media. His “old school” approach to marketing is deeply rooted in solid, timeless proven principles. Not “bullshit shiny objects” that he so frequently rails against. This smells like credibility to me. Integrity.
There are times when you have to overlook the personality traits or “eccentricities” of a creator – when you assess the importance of their work. Two examples come to mind – Dan Kennedy and Gary Halbert. Legendary marketing geniuses in their own right. But they came with a “little grumpy and a little crazy” as part of the package.
Dan studied under both and has risen to the same high level of respect and status – but…
he comes without all the “drama”. I am a long- time marketing student (a really long time!). He’s one of the best and brightest I have come across. Refreshing.
Number two – the quality of his programs. I loved his Off the Chain podcast. I am a knight in his Marketing Camelot. Tons of great content here. I also purchased his “Affiliates Program” and his $1,000 book (am I crazy? Dr. Phil says two more visits – jury’s still out).
Most recent purchase and most importantly for me, the Supplement Business Blueprint. Anticipating a monster ROI on my investment here.
I can attest that the power, the simplicity and the implications for effectiveness are there in all of the programs I have consumed. As I went through Double D’s material I started to think, “Hey Big Dummy, you can do this” (my own brand of positive self-talk).
My test for “is something worth trading my hard-earned money for” is:
- Does it deliver on its promise?
- Does it surprise me with something extra that I didn’t expect?
- Does it get me really excited about putting it into practice?
Dan checks all three boxes for me. Big time.
Number three – What about results?
I am a “newbie” to the program. I am just getting rolling with the supplement business blueprint, so I can’t yet give you a personal success account – but stay tuned…
What I believe (with my wallet) is that Dan’s journey and long track record of creating his own “kitchen table business” success stories – speaks for itself. That alone was enough evidence for me.
If you need more proof, consider his decades of copywriting client successes. He’s an “A-list player”. A go-to guy in the marketing world. Silly big result triumphs here.
If that’s not enough evidence for you, “pile on” how many of his students have gone on to make obscene sums of money taking action on his advice. Directly from following his programs. It’s a big body count.
So there ya go. I am not a paid celebrity spokesperson. I am just a guy seeking to finish strong in life and believe that Dan’s got a road map I can follow to get there. You can too.
I highly recommend you at least take a look. Dip your toe in and sign up for the newsletter. Join the Marketing Camelot. You will be exposed to a lot. Big over delivery of value here.
After that, decide for yourself. You may end up going deep in his world like I have. The water’s fine. Maybe see you at the swim up bar. Next piña colada is on me.
Here’s to your success and make it a great day!
– Brett Berry
“Dan is someone you can trust”
“I have loved being one of Dan’s knights. With the cesspool of marketing crap out there, Dan is someone you can trust. His teaching and writing styles are simple and easy for anyone to follow. His knowledge and experience have changed my life and they will for you, too.”
– Eric Stone
“Doberman Dan opens your eyes to unconventional aspects and areas of marketing you wouldn’t think of yourself”
Dan isn’t afraid to go against the grain and what’s popular, and opens your eyes to unconventional aspects and areas of marketing you wouldn’t think of yourself.
I’m not just talking timeless direct marketing principles that fade to the background of today’s noise and shiny objects, but also invaluable copywriting tips and untapped traffic channels.
What’s more – he does it in a way that’s not only easy to implement, but also highly entertaining to consume.
Anyone who’s willing to implement what he shares can’t help but notice the big difference this makes in their bottom-line… that is, if you like that kind of “thang.”
– Jacob Schram